at TLC
The Learning Centre offers many challenges and ways to learn about oneself, the environment, and in some ways the world. It is expected that students will commit themselves fully to all aspects of life at The Learning Centre - workshops, community related activities, outdoor activities, travel and social interactions.

Expectations of Students
A sense of responsibility to oneself and community, enthusiasm and effort are fundamental criteria for making any session / program a success. Students must expect many challenges and opportunities to participate in activities that they may or may not have experienced before. Other than for health or extremely personal reasons, students will be strongly encouraged to participate – part of what makes our community a success is teamwork. We think each student has a perspective to share, and we want to ensure everyone is involved!
We respect the physical and emotional space we encounter in the Centre. We want our students to do the same. We aim for gentleness, kindness and respect towards each other and the physical materials we work with.
An important aspect of education at The Learning Centre will be the constant intellectual and social interaction between people maybe of different cultural and / or socio-economic backgrounds. Students are expected to be sensitive and thoughtful towards others so that personal experiences can be meaningful and fun!